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How We Help You Select the Right Lighted Crosswalk for Your Pedestrian Safety Project

websitebuilder • May 28, 2019

When busy crosswalks face low driver compliance to pedestrians, installing a lighted warning countermeasure—such as LIGHTGUARD’s proven in-roadway warning lights, LED border enhanced warning signs, and/or solar flashing RRFBs—is a smart safety option. Deciding which one, or all of these, warning measures will be the most effective way to increase driver yieldings can be daunting.

Traffic engineers in the crosswalk jurisdiction should always access each location and recommend an appropriate treatment that takes into account traffic and pedestrian flow, speeds, weather conditions, visibility, cost, sun exposure, and other relevant information. Created as a quick visual guide, our product matrix helps to determine which of our lighted crosswalks is right for your installation location based on number of lanes, posted vehicle speeds, and power source.

Lighted Crosswalk Matrix — Santa Rosa, CA — Lightguard Systems

Our product matrix helps to determine which of our lighted crosswalks is right for your installation location based on number of lanes, posted vehicle speeds, and power source.

Why Is It Important to Specify for Your Lighted Crosswalk Project?

Specifying the best lighted crosswalk countermeasure for your location is critical for ensuring safety, longevity, and cost-effectiveness. As the inventors of the lighted crosswalk category, our robust systems are time-tested with 25 plus years of installed systems to prove it.

If you are interested in a solar powered system, we apply our SolarCalculator™ tool to assess panel size and battery power needs – to ensure that your system always has enough power. Giving us the crosswalk location’s precise street address also helps us to determine if a solar panel will receive enough sun exposure latitudinally. Otherwise, our AC systems operate on 12 VDC, making them an attractive low-energy consumption alternative.

What Kind of Questions Do We Ask for a Solar Lighted Crosswalk Installation?

Our sales and engineering staff take the time to run multiple simulation equations for your installation in order to properly determine the best real-life scenario before making any recommendations. Our solar controllers are capable of collecting and storing data, such as time, date and number of activations, and can be adjusted for activation on/off times for multiple crosswalk zones.

We Will Start by Asking You Several Questions, Such as:

  • How many lanes does the crosswalk have?
  • What kind of LIGHTGUARD lighted crosswalk is desired, in-roadway warning lights (IRWLs), RRFBs or LED signs?
  • Did you know that IRWLs are commonly used in conjunction with RRFBs and/or LED signs to increase visibility to motorists?
  • Do you want solar power, or a solar wireless system? If solar power, does the site receive direct sun exposure?
  • Do you want passive or manual pedestrian activation?
  • How many activations in a 24 hour period are you expecting?
  • Where will the system be installed? Please be as specific as possible, including cross streets and google map site location.
  • Is the location in a snowy region or flood zone?

After we receive the above information, we recommend our best, most effective system and provide a cost estimates with other add on options, if desired. 

Request a quote

To request a quote for a LightGuard Systems lighted crosswalk for your project, call us at (707) 542-4547, or use our online Contact Us form available at our website. If you decide to use the online form, please include answers to the above questions in a MSWord or PDF file, and attach any plans, drawings, or photos you might have of the location. We will get back to you with any further questions before providing you with a price quote.

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LightGuard Systems is a registered trademark™ of LightGuard Systems, Inc. Smart Crosswalk is a trademark™ name of LightGuard Systems, Inc. ©2021 LightGuard Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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